can lie to yourself all you want... gravity exists. Whether you chose
to believe it or not is irrelevant.
saw a man sitting on the floor of a subway car while returning from
Taste of the Danforth. He was dressed shabbily and sorting cans he
had collected from trash bins. I also saw the looks he received from
isn't the enemy. The people staring at him aren't the enemy either.
![]() |
Cellular Mitosis |
is division in our society and the gap is growing larger. Many have
already reached the fork in the road and chosen a path. Two
polarizing forces are pulling us in separate and philosophically very
different directions. One need only pay attention to news snippets to
understand what is happening. For instance, Walter Palmer killing
Cecil the Lion... or Donald Trump railing against Mexicans...
or Sabrina Corgatelli who went on a two week “safari” in
South Africa killing everything she came across including a giraffe,
a warthog, a wildebeest and a kudu... or deniers of Global Warming...
or those corporations who suck the water out of drought ridden areas.
(The Global Warming deniers, for the record, are those benefiting
most from stripping the planet to the bones. The rest of us are
screwed until laws become morality based.)
don't know about you and I haven't seen giraffe, or any of the other
animals noted, on a menu recently.
are polarizing events. It's easy to figure out which side of the
fence you are on when one of these events takes place. With the
advent of Facebook, twitter, etc., these events polarize quickly. And
they disappear just as rapidly when the next shiny, dramatic, heart-wrenching penny
appears in our thrill seeking peripheral.
about the shootings in a Black church? Polarizing.
about the rich saying they have more rights to water (for their lawns
and golf courses) than the arid poor? Polarizing.
about Prime Minister Stephen Harper saying the energy sector (oil) is critical to
our economy? (It's only 2% of GDP.) Polarizing.
about the next war being good for the economy and our security.
about decisions being made by monetary value rather than moral value.
Polarizing. (We can't afford to send food and water to
starving countries but we can easily afford to fly over and bomb the
poor unfortunate bastards if there is an uprising we don't agree with.)
some point, we as individuals have to determine what is a lie and
what is not; what is serving those who create the news, sound bites and laws versus what is
serving the general good. There is a social mitosis occurring. A
splitting of the mother cell into two daughter cells and one of these
things is not like the other. The slow rending has always been
occurring yet it happens in the blink of an eye with internet and 24
hour, droning, televised, evangelical, embedded correspondence.
the performance of my job, I visit virtually every part of the city
(and other cities). I can see the bill of goods most of us have been
sold. I visit wealthy neighbourhoods where the sprinklers are on and
no-one is home. (They are less happy than the rest of us as well.
Always worried about who is going to steal their shit. I feel sorry
for them, honestly. They've tied most of their life and self value into what they
have instead of who they are.) I visit poor neighbourhoods where
drugs and alcohol flow freely to ensure the residents stay incoherent enough
to believe everything they are fed through news sources and hearsay. I visit the middle class who are sold on the idea that if we work
hard enough, we can break through into the elite of society.
many of those middle class folks have ever made it
to elite status? Start naming them. There will not be
many. Ninety-nine percent of us will remain in the ninety-nine
have been sold a bill of goods telling us Blacks and Whites and
Hispanics and Muslims and Indigenous are different. We have been sold
a bill of goods stating we should hate those who look different than
us because it is they who are responsible for us not
getting our just rewards. We have been sold a bill of goods stating
the enemy is us.
This has been going on since the Egyptians were bitch-slapping their own people and thrusting them into slavery. Luck of the fucking draw you poor, wretched, worthless piece of shit. Now get back to work.
divisions occurring now are around two poles; those who believe the
99 percent deserve better (certain inviolable rights) and those who
will blithely follow the One Percent without question, hungrily consuming the
bullshit being fed them... by the One percent.
hard to see clearly when the bullshit is up above your eyes.
hunters are nothing more than arrogant children trying to please
their One Percent, absentee "parents"... which they will never do. Looking good is more important than feeling good. It
is in the best interest for the richest of our society to keep us
where we are; even those arrogant few who believe they are rich and
above the law. The belief is, if we are fed hope of
a better life for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren, then
we will tow the company line and continue performing tasks for the
self-important, self-indulgent master.
are not people. If one looks closely enough, the stinking rich aren't people either.
is a three tiered system at play in North America (and elsewhere). Those who are not
white are at the bottom. We have been sold an idea since coming to
the Americas that those who look different than us (Indigenous) are
the enemy. We have been sold on the idea that those who were enslaved by us in the past (Blacks) are to be kept in bondage because they are worth
less than the rest of us. We have been sold on the idea that those
with different shaped eyes (Asians) see differently. We are being sold on the
idea that those from Middle East countries are radicals and to be
second tier are poor, middle class whites. We are enchanted by the idea that,
if we work hard, we too can become one of the social elite. It simply
isn't true. There is a glass ceiling and money does not buy your way
through it. Indignant attitude toward fellow human beings is what
gets you through. Make no mistake... those in the "poor white" category are just as condemned as those in the "non-white" category.
wealthiest and most powerful in our society sell us this crap so we
will fight among ourselves over whatever scraps elite deem unnecessary
for themselves... thus deflecting our attention from the real threat.
who are members of the bottom ninety-nine percent are not the
enemy. They are our brothers and sisters who toil through the same
struggle, who have many of the same dreams for themselves, their
families and friends, and who see themselves spinning their wheels
getting nowhere. There is no Black problem. There is no Native
American problem. There is no Mexican problem. There is no threat
from Middle Eastern or Asian folks. (ISIS are elitist... make no mistake.) There is no war on poverty. There
is no war on drugs. There is no youth problem.
is only one problem; the Elitist Problem. And it sure as shit ain't a
problem for the elite.
don't need a bigger boat. You don't need a bigger house. You don't
need your fucking grass to be greener than your neighbour. You
don't need grassed forty acres to prove your worth. You don't need to kill
every last living thing to prove you have bigger balls than everyone
else. If you want to prove you have bigger testicles, grab an M-16 and go fight ISIS. We'll see how big your balls are then. If you need a nice shiny car to prove how big a man or woman
you are, the problem isn't the fucking car.
you need a two week vacation somewhere else to make you feel like you
have a life, then you don't have a life.
buy into so much bullshit now that reality seems surreal. That's the lie.
Palmer and Sabrina Corgatelli are pawns. They are uneducated,
mindless drones who believed they were part of the elite and beyond
reproach. What they really are is part of the upper
middle being fed to the rest of us to keep us distracted from the
reality. They were fed a bill of goods and, by the stupidity of their
own lordliness, are now sacrificial lambs to allow the rest of us to believe we have
chipped away at the throne. They were not bright enough to see they
were being set up.
And they deserve what they get.
splitting of society is occurring at a rapid rate. Young folks, by
and large, have seen what their future looks like and they aren't
happy. I'm not so sure I would be happy seeing what is coming and
seeing who the culprits are.
world is changing. The cracks in the System are
beginning to grow. Nature is providing a great equalizer... and
threat. People are beginning to wake up to the childish narcissism of
the extreme rich and powerful. Polarization has begun and the
potential violence that will follow will not be pretty. People are
beginning to see that those with wealth are also the ones creating
the rules of the game.
Hanauer is right. The pitchforks are coming.
mitosis of society is speeding up. Shoving your head in the sand and ignoring what is in front of you won't save your ass.
You can lie to yourself all you want... elitism exists... and they aren't looking out for your ass. Whether you chose to believe it or not is irrelevant.
You can lie to yourself all you want... elitism exists... and they aren't looking out for your ass. Whether you chose to believe it or not is irrelevant.
Other references:
Help Bail the Boat or Abandon Ship - by Cynthia Barlow
The Pitchforks Are Coming - TED talk
How to Race Bait (on Facebook) - Mathew Cooke
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